
Chapters Health Palliative Care

Providing supportive care, disease education and pain management for people with serious illness and complex symptoms.

Palliative Medicine

Improving Quality of Life with Palliative Medicine

Facing an advanced illness can be overwhelming on many levels. Palliative medicine can help by easing pain and managing complex symptoms.

What is palliative medicine?

Palliative medicine focuses on providing relief from the complex symptoms, pain and stress of a serious illness. The goal is to improve the quality of life for both you and your family.

What is the difference between palliative medicine and hospice?

Palliative medicine is NOT the same as hospice care. Palliative medicine can be provided at any age and at any stage of a serious illness. It can be offered at the same time you are being cared for and will not disrupt your treatment plan. Palliative medicine is available for patients regardless of life expectancy.

Hospice cares for patients who are diagnosed with terminal illnesses with a six month or less prognosis and are no longer seeking curative treatment.

How does palliative medicine help?

Palliative medicine addresses the whole person. It helps you carry on with your daily life and improve your ability to go through medical treatments. It also helps you better understand your condition and your choices for medical care. In short, palliative medicine helps you focus on the best possible quality of life.

Palliative medicine can help you get relief from symptoms such as pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, constipation, nausea, loss of appetite and difficulty sleeping.

Who provides palliative medicine to patients?

Palliative medicine is provided by a specially trained team of doctors, nurse practitioners, social workers and chaplains. The palliative care team works together with your own doctor to offer an additional layer of support for you and your family.

While your primary care physician focuses on disease-specific treatments, our team addresses pain and symptom management. Together, we can offer:

  • Effective symptom management
  • Wide range of education to make informed decisions
  • Guidance with advance directives and complicated treatment choices
  • Emotional and spiritual assistance
  • Coordination of care with other providers and/or services
  • Help with community resources

Do I have to change doctors?

No. The palliative medicine team works with and supports your current physician to develop appropriate care goals.

Can I afford Chapters Health Palliative Care? How do I pay for it?

Click here to learn more about paying for services.

Is palliative medicine right for you or a loved one?

If you suffer from pain or other distressing symptoms due to a chronic or serious illness, palliative medicine may be right for you. Palliative medicine addresses the whole person and can help you better understand your medical care options.

I have more questions. Where do I go to learn more about Chapters Health Palliative Care?

For more information about Chapters Health Palliative Care or to speak with the team about a referral, call 1-813-871-8200 or Contact Us.

Download Chapters Health Palliative Care Patient Forms

Download the Outpatient Palliative Care Referral Form

—Cody Galler, Florida

"I feel better. I’m much healthier. It really changed my life, and I felt drastically better within a month."

—Cody Galler, Florida
—Beth Allen, APRN, Chapters Health Palliative Care, Tampa, Florida

"We see patients to help them with symptom management, whether it be for pain, depression or anxiety. A big part of what we do is provide support and resources for the family."

—Beth Allen, APRN, Chapters Health Palliative Care, Tampa, Florida
—Jessica Maples, family member, Florida

"Chapters Health Palliative Care has really changed our lives in so many ways. They have provided so much and really given Dalelyla back a part of her life we had sort of lost."

—Jessica Maples, family member, Florida

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